claiming incapacity benefit

Incapacity procedure

Are you wondering how to claim incapacity benefit? At Letslaw we have lawyers from the Commercial Law Department who specialise in all types of disability proceedings and claiming incapacity benefit. So if you have a permanent disability, you are on medical leave and you think it is likely to end up in a permanent disability or if you have had your degree of disability reviewed and you want to know what to do. If you are in any of these situations contact us, our specialist lawyers can help you with your needs to process and/or review your degree of disability.

If you have been forced to leave the labour market or change your profession or trade for health reasons, our lawyers can advise you on your rights with regard to the company and the process of claiming incapacity benefit

It is essential in this whole process that you have the advice of a labour lawyer who knows the subject matter so that the requirements for a person to be able to benefit from some kind of permanent disability benefit (partial or total for the usual profession, absolute for all work or great disability) are developed with the maximum guarantees.

Our recommendation in these procedures is to have from the beginning, prior to the application for Permanent Disability before the “Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social”, specialized legal advice.

Due to the fact that the procedures with the Social Security that arbitrate this matter require to be complemented with medical experts of first national level, authentic specialists in Medicine of the Work, forensic Psychiatry, Psychology and Valuation of the Body Damage, that defend their case in a complete and exhaustive way by means of the study of all the tests and concurrent factors; analyzing the type of contingency, work accident or incapacity to claim.

From Letslaw we can advise you, if you are in temporary incapacity (IT), on the legal mechanisms available to you to challenge it in the event that it is improper. Likewise, in the event of obtaining an unfavourable ruling, our specialised legal service in litigation can use all the mechanisms necessary to claim before the Social Courts and Tribunals.

Among our legal advice services in this area is the verification of the working life and contribution bases to verify that all periods are correctly incorporated and that the amounts of the contribution bases are correct.

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