labour relations and collective bargaining

Collective labour relations

In the field of collective labour relations, there are many conflicts and discrepancies for labour reasons between companies and workers that ultimately affect the general interests of both parties.

This type of conflict will be dealt with by the workers’ representatives or corresponding bodies such as trade unions, personnel delegates or works committees. The objective is to ensure that productive and harmonious conditions prevail in companies and workplaces, achieving common objectives in all areas of labour relations.

In this sense, the management of relations with workers’ representatives and trade unions is an essential element of personnel strategy and management. We participate in collective bargaining since we firmly believe that the Convention is a fundamental piece in the regulation of working conditions. For this reason, our legal advice covers both the configuration of collective labour relations and the incidents or situations that arise in this area.

Our professionals have extensive experience and intervene in legal proceedings before the social courts, “Salas de lo Social de Tribunales Superiores de Justicia”, “Audiencia Nacional”, “Tribunal Supremo” y “Tribunal Constitucional” and provide advice, among others, in the following areas:

  • Preparation of business policies and internal protocols, as well as equality plans, training plans, etc.
  • Advice on collective measures (suspension of employment contracts and reduction of working hours due to economic, technical, organizational, productive or force majeure reasons).
  • Negotiation of collective dismissals, seeking an alternative solution.
  • Advice and negotiation of collective agreements.
  • Elections of workers’ representatives and Health and Safety Committee.
  • Advice on the exercise of the individual and collective right to strike.
  • Advice on the procedure and effects of lockout.

At Letslaw we have a large team of professionals, in continuous expansion, who will put at your disposal all the necessary resources to offer strategic and effective advice on labour law, in accordance with the needs of each specific case and keeping their clients up to date with new legislation and case law.

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