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Insolvency lawyers

At Letslaw we have insolvency lawyers who will assist you whether you are an individual (entrepreneur or non-entrepreneurs) or a legal entity.

At our firm we are aware of the sensitivity that an insolvency proceeding entails, both from the point of view of the company in which a necessary insolvency proceeding is filed, or promotes a voluntary insolvency proceeding, as well as from the point of view of the individual businessman (professional) or non-businessman who must resort to pre-insolvency (out-of-court payment agreement) or insolvency (insolvency, benefit of the exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities) institutions to solve the insolvency situation in which he is immersed.

In this sense, at LETSLAW we have lawyers who are experts in pre-insolvency and insolvency advice, who will be able to assist you in claiming your credit as a creditor, as well as, if you are a debtor, in the application for pre-insolvency measures or in the insolvency proceedings, including the resolution of the benefit of exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities.

In accordance with the above, our firm can assist you in the provision of the following services:

  • Advice on out-of-court negotiations with creditors (waivers and waits, dation in payment, debt reunification, etc.).
  • Advice on the presentation of an out-of-court payment agreement if you are an individual debtor (entrepreneur or non-entrepreneur).
  • Defense of out-of-court and in-court credit rights (bankruptcy proceedings) against the debtor.
  • Notification to the insolvency administrator of the creditor’s claims and monitoring of the procedure.
  • Advice to the debtor for the preparation and obtaining of the conclusion of the bankruptcy in the same order of its declaration (EXPRESS BANKRUPTCY).
  • Legal defense of the debtor at the moment of a voluntary insolvency proceeding throughout the entire procedure (Common Phase, Agreement Phase, Liquidation Phase, Qualification Phase and Conclusion Phase).
  • Legal defense of the creditor at the moment of a necessary bankruptcy (Common Phase, Agreement Phase, Liquidation Phase, Qualification Phase and Conclusion Phase).
  • Advice in civil and mercantile jurisdictions in bankruptcy matters.
  • Advice on the sale of a production unit.
  • Advice on the check-list of the liability of company administrators.

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