Intellectual and industrial property rights infringement lawyers
Nowadays and increasingly, with the use of the internet and the large number of online companies that are created every day in an ever more competitive market, it is important to defend the intellectual and industrial property of companies. Protecting the creation of intangible assets, i.e. the distinction of products and services from the products and services of competitors, is of great economic and strategic importance for companies and requires highly specialized legal advice.
Intellectual Property rights and Industrial Property rights are very valuable intangible assets for companies and can be used to boost their growth, expand into new markets and attract investment. Nowadays, technological advances, unfair competition and product counterfeiting in today’s global market make the protection of innovation and creativity an increasingly difficult and complex task.
At Letslaw we have a team of specialists in this area, whose main objective is to enhance our clients’ assets through the different ways of acting. We provide comprehensive advice to domestic and foreign clients on all matters relating to their intangible assets, including trademarks, patents, know-how, designs, artistic, literary, scientific and audiovisual creations, image rights, protection of privacy and reputation, advertising and marketing.
We can offer you our legal support in all those cases related to the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, our main actions being focused on, among others:
- Actions for nullity or revocation of trademarks and industrial designs at both national and European level.
- Actions for infringement of exclusive rights: trademarks, patents, designs and/or utility models.
- Actions for damages
- Infringement of trade secrets.
- Defense of intellectual property rights: civil and criminal actions for the use of cultural works and services (literary, musical, photographic, cinematographic works, etc.) without the authorization of the holders of intellectual property rights.
- Actions for compensation for damages.
- Defense in piracy proceedings.
- Infringement of Protected Geographical Indications.
- Unfair competition actions.
- Assistance in domain name recovery proceedings.