workplace accident lawyer

Workplace accident lawyers

So you need the help of workplace accidente lawyers? From our firm we are aware that in the labour bond that unites the employer and the worker there may be certain contingencies. Not only in relation to the correct provision of services between the two, but also in relation to the possibility of accidents at work within the company or work centre itself or even of such accidents occurring in itinere, that is, during the worker’s journey to his workplace or the worker’s return home.

In accordance with the above, at Letslaw we have workplace accident lawyers with extensive experience in the legal defense of our clients’ interests in relation to claims for workers’ rights in the area of protection against accidents at work:

  • Accident at work in itinere: or as we have already seen those accidents at work suffered on the way to or from the workplace.
  • Accidents suffered as a result of carrying out the tasks assigned to the worker in the work centre itself and within the time agreed for this employment relationship.
  • Accidents suffered due to the performance of work that is not of a habitual nature for the worker. But, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the corresponding body of the company, must be carried out by the worker as necessary to comply with the company’s corporate purpose and activities.
  • Accidents suffered by workers holding trade union posts who, due to being posted to carry out their duties, may have had an accident.
  • Illnesses of the worker as a result of carrying out the work assigned to him. In this circumstance it is necessary to accredit that the illness is exclusively related to the tasks assigned in the work centre.

Our firm will study the specific case, issuing the corresponding report on the viability of the client’s claims. In the event of having legal and evidential arguments to this effect, our workplace accident lawyers will accompany the victim or any of their relatives if necessary in the corresponding legal proceedings to request compensation, whatever the nature of this:

  • Claims of amount as compensation for the injuries and damages suffered.
  • Benefits for total incapacity.
  • Benefits for partial incapacity.
  • Benefits for absolute incapacity.
  • Surcharge of benefits.
  • Other compensation of an accessory nature.

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