Renewal of trademark registration

Renewal of trademark registration

What is the renewal of a trademark?

The renewal of a trademark is a legal process necessary to maintain the exclusive rights over a distinctive sign (name, logo, design, etc.) that identifies products or services in the market. This process ensures that no one else can use your trademark without your authorization, thus preserving the value and reputation of your business.

How long does a trademark registration last?

In most countries, including Spain, trademark protection has an initial duration of 10 years. However, this term can be renewed indefinitely for successive 10-year periods, as long as the established legal requirements are met.

Why is it important to renew your trademark?

  • Loss of exclusive rights: if you do not renew your trademark, you will lose the exclusive rights to it and anyone else will be able to use it.
  • Reputational damage: unauthorized use of your trademark can damage your image and confuse consumers.
  • Difficulties in defending your rights: if a conflict arises over the use of your trademark, it will be more difficult to defend your rights if it is not duly registered and renewed.

When should a trademark be renewed?

The renewal application must be filed with the Patent and Trademark Office within six months prior to the expiration date of the registration. It is important to be attentive to this date to avoid losing the protection of your trademark.

What does the renewal process involve?

The renewal process is usually relatively straightforward, but requires the submission of certain documentation and the payment of the corresponding fees. An intellectual property attorney can help you manage the entire process efficiently.

Why should you choose an experienced trademark renewal lawyer?

  • Expertise: trademark renewal lawyers have an in-depth knowledge of trademark law and procedures.
  • Experience: Letslaw ‘s trademark renewal lawyers have handled numerous trademark renewal cases and know how to optimize time and resources.
  • Legal certainty: they give you peace of mind that your trademark is properly protected.

Extending your trademark protection

In addition to renewal, there are other strategies to extend the protection of your trademark, such as:

  • International registration: if you wish to protect your trademark in several countries, you can apply for international registration through the Madrid system.
  • Trademark surveillance: it is advisable to carry out a periodic surveillance of trademarks to detect possible infringements and take the necessary legal measures.

Do I need a lawyer to renew my trademark?

Don’t let more time pass and make sure your trademark is properly protected. Contact Letslaw so that our expert trademark renewal lawyers can help you in the process!

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